Saturday, March 31, 2007

Windsor Live Music: Wax Mannequin & The Locusts Have No King THIS SATURDAY!

We all know how special Wax Mannequin's shows are, with the intensity, and the roses, and bizarre lyrics about animals...
He's the man.
The President of Indie Rock in Canada will be playing alongside The much adored locals, The Locusts Have No King.

This night is going to be so solid, I can only tell you that I have the confidence in this show equal to the confidence I had in The Lindy/Dudes show.

Stunning talent. Can't wait!

Enjoy some video of these fine performers...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Windsor Live Music: Sunparlour Players wsg Wayne Petti (Cuff The Duke) This FRIDAY!!

Well, yet another big show has sneaked up on us, and it is slated to be quite a good time.
The Sunparlour Players have been favourites of the Phog Lounge since their first visit.
They've since had a full-page article in Maclean's Magazine, and a pile of other congratulatory articles written about them. Think, ragtime stomp mixed with Arcade Fire. This is what they are capable of...

Wayne Petti, of Cuff the Duke fame, will be introducing his solo works to Windsor for the first time. Not to be missed.

With two enormous shows on Friday night, there is good reason to come downtown and support the music venues.
In case you are clueless, The Besnard Lakes are playing at The Avalon Front with The Golden Hands Before God...

This is a sickeningly solid foursome planning to invade Windsor stages on one night in March.
Come and be a part of the ever-improving indie music scene.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Windsor Live Music: The Dudes, Lindy, and Golden Lake Diner Were Magic!

It's one of those things that you plan, and plan, and plan...hoping nothing goes wrong.
I have had plenty of shows blow up in my face on account that people don't show, or that the response is less than hoped for...but this Saturday that just swung by was maybe my most enjoyed show that I have ever been a part of.

It rivaled the P.A. Festival. Maybe because the stress was nowhere NEAR the stress I felt at P.A.
I was beside myself with anticipation of seeing The Dudes and Lindy in the same night.

Trying to book The Dudes, was unreal. The band had changed labels, and here I was, e-mailing the wrong label for over two years and not getting a response. Not even a, "Fuck off, they aren't on our label anymore," message.

It began when they pulled up to unload their gear. I gave them a synopsis of my excitement to have them at Phog, and how hard it was to find them, and as I was finishing this story, we heard a shout.
It was a big-girl-shout coming from the window of an approaching Jeep Cherokee ('95). "It's my birthday, Wooooo-hoooooo!!" said a girl wearing a tiara. I did what most Windsorites do when that happens, I shook my head. The Dudes standing next to me all yelled "Wooo-hooo!" back and one added, "Happy Birthday Chubby!" and I knew what kind of a night I was in for. That moment was the litmus test for the kind of awesomeness that was to follow.

Golden Lake Diner (pared down duo) was an excellent set-up band, sure to return with the rest of their members one day. They even gave out prizes to people who could answer 80's trivia.

On to Lindy, who was exhausted, having been interviewed for a new national TV show called, "Another Crappy Late Night Canadian Show" or something like that...which will air after Saturday Night Live on CTV (I think) in the future. He was beat. He had a shot of tequila and it was on like Donkey Kong. In the style only Lindy can muster, he entertained almost 20 friends who were attending the show after a speaking engagement in the city, plus a capacity crowd who were hanging on every note.

Lindy, a giant Icelandic-Canadian man that I love, was super-incredible as a solo performer.
The man is unreal.

And then...after a quick chage-over we received The Dudes. It was everything I could have ever imagined and hoped for...and more. The music was new because I had only heard the 3 songs I had on their sampler disc, and it was as infectious as the stuff I had heard 300 times.
The band members were top-notch people who were cheered to and danced to, and praised, and begged for autographs, and ultimately one of the best bands I've ever had the pleasure of hosting.

Great senses of humour, great musical talent, and truly appreciative guys...this is what I dealt with on Saturday night. Every performer was magic.

I cannot wait until The Dudes pull up anchor and leave Calgary again to come out east.
By the way, if you feel compelled, e-mail Lindy to let him know how cool it is that he got to soundtrack the new national Chevy commercial posted below.

Thanks to all who came out and believed me when I told them how incredible the show would be.
Lots of new, strangers faces too. Nice to see.

Also, here's some videos of The Dudes I found. Amazing!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Windsor Live Music: The Dudes (Calgary) and Lindy Saturday Night!

Simple words. Simple for all to understand.
There is no other band that I have tried so hard to get to Phog as much as The Dudes.
I don't hunt down bands.
I can't.
But The Dudes have been on my radar for 2 years. We've only been open 3 years. I have been sending e-mails to the the band's friends...for two years with no luck.
Finally, The Dudes are heading west from Calgary, and we're getting them.

Better yet, Lindy will be coming from a speaking engagement, with an after-party crew, to throw down in our little space.
This is going to be one of the best nights of music I could ever hope for.
I cannot B.S. you on this.

You will love The Dudes if you check out their online music videos (surprisingly good quality).
Check "Do The Right Thing" and "Dropkick Queen of The Weekend" by clicking the links.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Beatles vs. Zombies!!!

A nice fun treat for you before I give you an overview of the rest of the week.
It is coming soon.
This weekend is NOT TO BE MISSED.
Lindy (Toronto) and The Dudes (Calgary) are coming!!
I've been trying to get The Dudes for over 2 years.


Friday, March 16, 2007

Windsor Live Music: The Creeping Nobodies coming Saturday, March 17th

Final Fantasy (Owen Pallett), who won the Polaris prize this year for best album in Canada, has been quoted as saying that The Creeping Nobodies are his favourite band. They are his record label. Blocks.
They hit Phog this Saturday night...tomorrow...or today...depending on when you read this.
This band's sound has been compared to greats such as The Pixies. Come and see why they have hype.

The Creeping Nobodies roll into Phog Saturday night with their friends, Anagram. Both bands, hailing from Toronto, have played Phog before, and they did so without much promotion...and the crowd didn't budge. These bands have a lot of stage presence, and while performing, they inadvertantly demand attention.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Windsor Live Music: Big Night Thursday at Phog Lounge!

These three will be setting a mood that rarely graces the air of Phog Lounge.
Twilight Hotel (Winnipeg) with Karyn Ellis (Toronto) and Windsor's own The Hung Jury will be the performers this evening...Thursday Night.

If you look them up, you will know how great they are...if you don't, let me tell you, they're great. Twilight Hotel, alone, opened up the P.A. Music Festival at Phog last September, and we have been anxiously waiting for them to return ever since.

Come out and enjoy a beer, some tea or coffee, maybe a juice...whatever you order, it won't be served up nearly as well as the music.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

RIAA vs. Foxtrot

Monday, March 05, 2007

Windsor Live Music: Lee Gaul performs These Days by The Velvet Underground

An actual video with a decent picture from the darkness of Phog Lounge.
Seriously, the camera has zero light-enhancement features.
Lee does such a solid job with everything he performs, but this is a new one for me to hear/see.
Hope you like it too.

Windsor Live Music: Wicked Game by Ron Leary and Friends

I think he does a great job covering this song. His Calexico covers kill, but I have yet to record one.
More videos to come.

Now THAT'S a Knife...

There are a lot of things that don't mix with liquor...this is one of them.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Menomena...getting bigger...

I love monitoring this band, as they go from unknown, to guys I gave directions to (unknowing of their greatness), to full-page advertisers in Under The Radar magazine.

Windsor Live Music: Friday Morning's Regret wsg The Gravity Wave Saturday March 3rd

This guy is joining some local favourites...Friday Morning's Regret.
Gravity Wave can be found here, here, and here.
Gavin and the other boys will be stunning us as usual with their "Black Country".
I love this band.
If you have NOT heard them, here they