Thursday, June 14, 2007

Windsor Live Music: Mother, Mother (Vancouver) and Lotus Child (Vancouver) this Friday!

Okay, okay...

This is a big night coming up on Friday.

Mother, Mother (Vancouver) and Lotus Child (Vancouver) are coming to clobber Phog.

I emplore you to go listen to their music, as it will surely be the medicine you need.

I repeat...this is another "I told you so" type of show. You DO NOT want to miss this.

Here are some testimonials/reviews of the new album, Touch Up by Mother, Mother:

"Listening to Mother Mother is like reading Hunter S. Thompson – you end up in a place where reality has been delightfully skewed, though you’re not altogether aware of it." - ML, Chart Attack

"TOUCH UP comes packed with acute, snappy pop songs...the free-spirited TOUCH UP feels refreshing as an album isolated from a lot of today's worn-out trends and aesthetic mimicry." - Pitchfork Media

"Touch Up may just be the best album of 2007, and Mother Mother have set the standard that everyone -- Arcade Fire, Stars, Wolf Parade, The New Pornographers, everyone -- will have to try and measure themselves against." - I Heart Music

" As the album starts with some muted chords, a cowbell and a three part round you sense you are about to hear something different from the norm. Folky, bluegrass breakdowns and harmonies are paired with freak folk interludes, yelps and drums. I know this sounds like it would never work, but it really does." - Hero Hill, Music Blog

"Mother Mother, a brilliantly playful pop quintet from Vancouver, covers all the big subjects (love, death, transvestitism) on their debut disc, and always finds the dark fun in them." - The Globe and Mail - 4 stars

"While their dynamic vocal interplay often draws comparisons to The Pixies, Touch Up is like nothing you’ve ever heard before." - Sandra Sperounes - The Edomonton Journal


At June 16, 2007 3:04 a.m. , Blogger johnnehm said...

The GIrl that wore the plain black shirt that was closest to the window from Mother Mother looked like she was having an orgasm for the entirety of the show...

It was a great show and Locust Child (I think thats the name) were actually a great surprise, and put on a hell of a show.

At June 16, 2007 11:41 p.m. , Blogger Chris White said...

Don't forget the singer/guitarist who looks like Patrick Swayze.


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