Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Queens of The Stone Age member joins Pat and Jackie Robitaille on Valentine's Day at Phog!


Here's how this went.
Pat asked me out of the blue if Valentine's Day was open.
He promptly scooped it up and told me he'd be booking someone else to play with him.
It turned out that it would be his sister Jackie, who has recently released an awesome CD...

But the big surprise for this show came in an e-mail from Queens of the Stone Age bassist, Michael Shuman.

He wanted to get into our place and play with his band, Mini Mansions, as they're going to be in the area for Canadian Music Week (Toronto) and they'd rather play than sit idle...

And Pat, in true "Pat form", when asked if he'd mind the overwhelming company on his bill said, "Yeah man! That'll be great!"

What a guy.
What a show.
See you on Valentine's Day!


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