Monday, January 11, 2010

Tim Chaisson & Morning Fold (Charlottetown, PEI) with Tom Curry playing Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tom Curry is a guy who listens, and then makes things happen.
I spoke to him about the simple initiative it takes to start booking shows at Phog, and he immediately booked an opening slot for himself in the dwindling 2009.

He then quickly suggested that an artist he admires was coming to the area, and that he'd like to get them into Phog and play with them, Tim Chaisson & Morning Fold from Prince Edward Island.

I jumped at it.
Here's why.
VERY FEW bands tour from PEI or Newfoundland unless they have serious skill. Why? It costs a fortune. SO if this band is coming this way, and Tom Curry likes them, then other people are going to love them.

Don't let me forget that Windsor's own Mr. Chill seems to think a heck of a lot about this band, as I saw them leaving messages of support on each other's Facebook pages a few weeks ago.

Come out this Wednesday. We'll get it started early. 9pm.

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