Getting Back in Gear
Yeah, yeah, yeah, here's a new post.
Since the advent of Frank's new day-job, Uncle Tom has had his hands full with shopping, beer delivery, booking all of the shows, and, oh yeah...bartending.
So, since both of us are incredibly busy, the blog has to wait for days like this.
There are lots of things coming up fast and furious. Christmas, New Year's Eve with Yellow Wood, and our 2-Year-Anniversary!
Since my last post, we've hired Jenna, who has been a life-saver, now only working Saturday nights. Sean has been the Jesus of helping hands on Sundays with Frank. Our fine friends Will Heathcote (Aussie) and Michelle split town to Costa Rica. He's since e-mailed to brag about how perfect his life is at the moment.
The 2nd Annual T-Shirt Art Show is going up on December 1st. It is going to be incredible! You and I both will be able to do all of our Christmas shopping and be able to boast original, useful gifts. Also, if you have shirts to sell (originals only) you can bring them in at any time during the two week show.
Outside of all of this, we've been destroyed by an outstanding line-up of bands and performances. Recently, the Nathan Coles Outfit, Clark the Band, Elvyn, The Dodge Darts, The Vertical Struts, Postage Stamps, What Seas What Shores, Brian Borcherdt, Wax Mannequin with a DRUMMER, and more. I will NOT write about any more of them. Instead, I will post a HUGE line-up of photos after this post.