Tuesday, April 27, 2010

UPDATED Phog Listings for May/June

MaySaturday 1 - Detroit artist - Jackie Zimmer Art Show Begins!! YES!!!! Opening Reception! COME OUT!
Sunday 2 - Yukon Blonde (Vancouver) w/ Magic Hall of Mirrors - 9pm - 19+
Monday 3 - Open Mic Surgery with Tara Watts - 9pm - 19+
Tuesday 4 - High Mother w/ Mrs. Smith - 9pm - 19+
Wednesday 5 - Juice Open Mic Poetry
Thursday 6 - Karyn Ellis (Toronto) w/ Janine Stoll (Toronto) w/ James O-L and Steve O-L - 9pm - ALL AGES
Friday 7 - USM, Magnolius (Toronto) and Leo37 - 10pm - 19+
Saturday 8 - Meadowlark Five (Sudbury) w/ Dirty Nil (Hamilton) and Bulletproof Tiger - 10pm - 19+
Monday 10 - Open Mic Surgery with Tara Watts - 9pm - 19+
Wednesday 12 - This City Defects (Calgary) w/ Man Your Horse (Vancouver) and Bulletproof Tiger - 9pm - 19+
Friday 14 - ASK w/ James O-L and The Villains and Two For The Cascade - 10pm - 19+
Saturday 15 - Jetset Motel (St. John's, NFLD) w/ Great Diviners (Toronto) and Black Unicorn - 10pm - 19+
Sunday 16 - Explode When They Bloom w/ Silent Movie Type Cut Throat Britva (Toronto) and Vultures! - 9pm - 19+
Monday 17 - Anti-Homophobia Day w/ Tara Watts and MORE TBA - 4pm - 19+
Tuesday 18 - Comic Book Syndicate filming (Open to public)
Wednesday 19 - Kalle Mattson (Sault Ste. Marie) w/ Kevin Echlin and Tim Davidson - ALL AGES - 19+
Thursday 20 - The Locusts Have No King Family Tree Show - 9pm - 19+
Friday 21 - Stereo Goes Stellar w/ The Archives (Toronto) and Tim Davidson - 10pm - 19+
Saturday 22 - Surdaster w/ Red Rows and (wh)y.m.e.(??) - 10pm - 19+
Sunday 23 - David Simard (Toronto), Erin Lang (London, UK), and Kevin Echlin - 9pm - ALL AGES
Monday 24 - Open Mic Surgery with Tara Watts - 9pm - 19+
Tuesday 25 - Perilelle w/ Brzowski (Maine), H.W. (Boston), Jesse Dangerously (Halifax) - 9pm - 19+
Wednesday 26 - MEDIA CITY AFTER PARTY - 10pm until 2am
Thursday 27
PITTER PATTER FEST SHOWCASE - Rude City Riot (Vancouver) w/ Credible Witness and That's The Spirit (Ottawa) - 7pm - 10pm
MEDIA CITY AFTER PARTY - 10pm until 2am
Friday 28 - MEDIA CITY AFTER PARTY - 10pm until 2am
Saturday 29
PITTER PATTER FEST SHOWCASE - Yellow Wood w/ Courtney John (Jamaica) and Jon Epworth  (Toronto) - 7pm - 10pm
MEDIA CITY AFTER PARTY - 10pm until 2am
Sunday 30
PITTER PATTER FEST SHOWCASE - The Bulletproof Tiger w/ Donlands and Mortimer (Toronto), The Darcys (Toronto), and Styrofoam Ones (Toronto) - 7pm - 10:30pm
Monday 31 - Open Mic Surgery with Tara Watts - 9pm - 19+

Tuesday 1 - Elephant Stone (Montreal) w/ Oblisk (Detroit) and Magic Hall of Mirrors
Wednesday 2 - Justin Rutledge (Toronto) w/ Field Assembly
Friday 4 - NuRokSol (Detroit) w/ TBA
Saturday 5 - Lindy (Toronto) w/ TBA
Monday 7 - Open Mic Surgery with Tara Watts
Tuesday 8 - Yellow Wood w/ The Bulletproof Tiger and The Dead Letters (Winnipeg)
Wednesday 9 - Juice Open Mic Poetry
Thursday 10 - Big Wheel and The Spokes (Sault Ste. Marie) w/ TBA
Friday 11 - Kenneth MacLeod and The Windsor Salt Band
Saturday 12 - Megan Hamilton and the Volunteer Canola (Toronto) w/ The Locusts Have No King and The Eric Welton Band AND Ryan Bourne (Calgary)
Monday 14 - Open Mic Surgery with Tara Watts
Tuesday 15 - Rah Rah (Regina) w/ Olenka and the Autumn Lovers (London) w/ TBA
Wednesday 16 - Fanshaw (Vancouver) w/ Colleen Brown (Edmonton)
Thursday 17 - Wax Mannequin (Hamilton) and Jenny Omnichord (Guelph) w/ TBA
Friday 18 - Corrina Keeling (Toronto) w/ The Paperbacks (Winnipeg)
Saturday 19 - Curbside Sofa w/ TBA
Monday 21 - Open Mic Surgery with Tara Watts
Tuesday 22 - The Zolas (Vancouver) w/ We Are The City (Kelowna)
Wednesday 23 - Nightwood (Montreal) w/ Welsh Cinema (NFLD) and Michou
Thursday 24 - Khari McClelland SHOWCASE!!!
Friday 25 - Kenneth MacLeod
Saturday 26 - Library Voices (Regina) w/ Pascale Picard Band (Quebec City)
Monday 28 - Open Mic Surgery with Tara Watts
Tuesday 29 - Comic Book Syndicate Filming
Wednesday 30 - Billy The Kid (Toronto) w/ TBA
Art Opening by Mike Edwards / Jay Drummond / Steve Burrell

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