Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The First Phog Blog

Decided to actually begin one of these. I figure that there are more than enough people interested in all things Phoggy even if they aren't close enough to attend the bar so many have enjoyed.
My name is Tom, and I am a co-owner of the popular music spot Phog Lounge in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. With my business partner, Frank, and I working together, we are home to some of the best musical acts Canada has to offer, along with a strong supporting cast from the U.S. and even overseas.
I guess what I hope to accomplish with this blog is to inform people of the things going on at Phog, with the sometimes unsaid appreciation of patrons, friends, bands, and other people trying to help a cultural and artistic scene thrive. We have the most incredible, mostly respectful clientele imaginable. With a prized clientele like them, they need to be mentioned from time to time, and this is where I'll be able to do it.
Also, it'll be a space where I'll be able to vent on other things that come to mind, outside of the bar itself. Be prepared.
We have a website that can be accessed for any number of things such as listings and archived info, which is


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